Petrogen has a long and proud history of qualifications, innovation, and advanced performance. Following are links to full reports issued by various agencies and customers.
Department of Energy Report Innovative Technology Summary Reports
"Innovative Technology Summary Reports are designed to provide potential users with the information they need to quickly determine if a technology would apply to a particular environmental management problem. They are also designed for readers who may recommend that a technology be considered by prospective users."
Mine Safety and Health Administration
"After reviewing the information and consulting with appropriate personnel in the Mine Safety Administration (MSHA), MSHA has concluded that, your system, subject to certain conditions set forth below, may be used in underground mines."
Department of Energy
"The Department of Energy established the Large Scale Technology Demonstration Project (LSTD) in order to investigate new technologies to help nuclear decontamination and decommissioning work to proceed with increased safety, speed, and economy. One of the selected technologies was the oxy-gasoline cutting torch, which was demonstrated at Fernald in October 1996."
Federal Energy Technology Center Success Story
"Petrogen International has developed the oxy-gasoline cutting torch under the Federal Energy Technology Center’s (FETC’s) Deactivation and Decommissioning Focus Area. One of several technologies being developed under the Department of Energy’s Environmental Management Program for improved decontamination and decommissioning (D&D) technologies, the system consists of a 2.5-gallon fuel tank with automatic flow shutoff valve, a gasoline supply hose, and a cutting torch, and is supplied with pressurized oxygen."
Petrogen Advantages
"Many of the advantages that are gained by using Petrogen over other oxy-fuel systems are due to the fact that the system uses liquid fuel to produce the preheat flame. Though, many misconceptions are applied to liquid fuels (many coming from chase scenes from early 80’s movies), it is actually the fuel that make the Petrogen system the safest hot cutting oxy-fuel system in the field."
Petrogen FAQ's
"A: It is actually the liquid fuels that account for the majority of the Petrogen systems safety. Because of them: fuel line flashback is eliminated, sparks are less harmful, leaks are detectable, and system transport is much safer."
Petrogen vs Acetylene
"Cutting with Petrogen will produce carbon dioxide and steam. Though it will not produce carbon monoxide. The metal contaminants produced are also oxidized more completely, producing much less toxic fumes."